College Springs, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population & steets in College Springs City? The population in College Springs is approximately 7,800. The population is mostly white, with only 12.3% black residents. In addition, a small percentage of residents is Asian, and the remainder are Hispanic. The percentage of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders living in the city is also small, but significant. The population of College Springs is not as diverse as other Iowa cities, with a small percentage of people of Asian and Native Hawaiian ancestry.

The median gross rent in College Springs is $595 per month, which may include utility bills and other building costs. This figure is higher than the median rent in the state of Iowa (which is $697), and the median rent in neighboring towns of Clearmont and Hastings is $618. In 2016, 17.4% of College Springs households were renters, making the median household income in the city $2,780.

The population of College Springs is approximately 204. It is located in Page County, Iowa. The zip code for College Springs is 51637. It is part of the Amity area, a minor civil division in Page County. It alternates with Amity. The population density is based on the census-compliant city of College Springs. College Springs is approximately six hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (CUT).