Cantril, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the current population and steets for Cantril City, Iowa. These numbers are based on the 2010 census and they include both raw head count and population density per square mile. You can find additional details regarding the population of Cantril by reading our guide. Population in Cantril City is 212 people. The majority of its citizens are White, with only 15.9% of the population being non-White.

There are a number of hotels in Cantril City. You can find a map or a satellite image of the city. You can also use the map and satellite images to find accommodations. There are three types of hotels in Cantril. The price range is generally low and they all have good reviews from previous guests. These hotels are also ranked by value. If you are interested in a particular hotel, we recommend that you book in advance.

If you are looking for the best hotel in Cantril, you may want to consider a hotel that has a nice restaurant. If you're on a budget, consider a motel in Cantril. The city has everything you'd expect from a hotel. Just make sure that you have plenty of room. You can always find a hotel nearby by following the directions to Cantril.

In terms of income, 16.6% of residents of Cantril live below the federal poverty line, while 22.5% of households have income below the median level. The city's median age is 41 years. Most residents have at least a high school degree, and 77.8% are college graduates. The number of people with at least a bachelor's degree is higher, and 0.6% are graduate or professional level employees.