Britt, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median home value in Britt, IA is $79,600, which is 0.331 times smaller than the national average. Britt, IA homeowners own 77% of their homes, and the median home value is $79,600. Britt residents commute to work by car, and the median car ownership rate is 2 cars per household. Britt is home to about 1,896 people.

The most common racial or ethnic groups in Britt, IA are White, Black, and Native American. According to the United States Census Bureau, households with an income less than this threshold are considered to be living in poverty. Britt residents have three types of occupations. 23% are in the service industry, and 38% are in blue and white collar jobs. Britt, IA has a high graduation rate, which is good news for local advertisers.

The population of Britt is 1,966 people, with a median household income of $44,432 dollars. The city has a poverty rate of 0.62%, which is a concern for many residents of the city. Overall, Britt is a safe and friendly place to live. However, if you're worried about the poverty rate, consider moving elsewhere. Britt is home to many young families.