Anita, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following population statistics will give you a quick look at what the demographics of Anita City are. This city in Iowa is home to around 900 people. The population in Anita City is approximately the same as the national average, although the city's ethnic composition is a little different. Anita is made up of roughly 1.17k White residents, 14 White (Hispanic) residents, and four Other (Hispanic) citizens.

The Santa Anita Riot begins during a routine search for contraband and the unannounced confiscation of hot plates. Rumors of cash and jewelry quickly spread. A new hospital opens in the city. In the same year, Franklin Koji Yoshida is born, the third child of Nisei parents from Gardena. The Santa Anita community will soon see its share of change.

The Arcade Building was constructed in 1922 and originally housed the San Gabriel Department Store, Public Market, barber shop, and drugstore. The Arcade Building is one of the few buildings in town that still retains its original Spanish Colonial Revival style. The old Bank of San Gabriel, built in 1915, is also located on West Huntington Drive. The Arcade Building currently houses Lunas Mexican Restaurant.

The county has a population density of 2,794.4/km2, with 35,756 households and 38,418 rental units. The area's low rate of unemployment is low, and its foreign-born and Hispanic race populations are lower than the state average. The area also has a large number of college students, although this number is lower than the state average. There is a lot of growth potential in the county, and many of the demographics of Anita City are positive.