Wingate, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered what the population and steets of Wingate City are, then you're not alone. The information below will give you some insight into the city's population and steets. You can find out more about the local economy by looking at the percentage of residents who make ends meet and live in poverty. Wingate City also has a lower percentage of renter-occupied housing units than other cities in Indiana.

The following information will help you understand the demographics of Wingate City, North Carolina. The city has a population of 257 people, and the median household income is $42,911 per year. Whether you're looking for a place to live or want to take a road trip, knowing how to reach different areas will help you make the right choice. Listed below are the cities, zip codes, and schools in the area.

The city's population includes a wide variety of people from different walks of life. Its median home value is $104,000 and its average household size is 2.56 people. The population of Wingate is predicted to increase by 4.3% over the next decade. The majority of the population is white, and there's only 0.1% of people of African descent. The city is home to about 172 Hispanics, a relatively small percentage of the overall population.

Wingate is located in Montgomery County. It was formerly known as Pleasant Hill. The 2010 census recorded a population of 263. The town was first platted in 1832 by Christian Bever, and was renamed after prominent community leader John C. Wingate. The city is located at the intersection of Indiana State Roads 25 and 55. Historically, the railroad has a few stops along its route, including a trestle that crosses the town's downtown.