Urbana, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population % in Urbana City? If you are considering moving to this city, here are some facts about the city. Urbana City has a population of 1,402 people, and the median household income is $74,286. If you are looking to move here, it is recommended that you know the average cost of living. In addition, you can also learn about the poverty rate and median home values in this area.

The city is divided into wards. Ordinance 105 Wards and Boundaries established the ward boundaries. The Revised Ordinance 105 has since been adopted to rebalance the population. The city's ward boundaries follow certain streets and railroads to ensure that the wards are well balanced. In 2016, there were 0 evictions in Urbana, but there were 66 in neighboring towns.

Before the railways arrived, the city grew slowly. Farmers had to travel too far to sell their crops. Roads were bad and muddy, but the railroads were coming to Urbana. Soon, they would run from Chicago to Mobile, Alabama, passing through the town. It was an amazing opportunity for the city. It's no wonder the population of Urbana has doubled since 1853.

The city is a mix of cultures and races. Nearly five-fifths of the population is white, while only four percent is black or African American. One percent of the population is Asian, and 0.4% of the population is Latino or Native Hawaiian. The median household income in Urbana is $37,102. The crime rate in Urbana is higher than the national average, but overall, this is a safe city.