Upland, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about Upland City, California, you've come to the right place. The following article will cover Upland City's Population & Steets. You'll also find information about the violent crime rate and the overall safety of the city. In particular, this article will cover the northwest Upland neighborhood. There are more parks and other recreational areas in the southwest area, and fewer people living in the northeast and southwest.

When it comes to Upland's population and steets, it ranks high. According to the United States Census Bureau, Upland will have a population of 77,348 by 2020, making it the 110th most populous city in California. This also makes it the 463rd-most populous city in the nation. The city is a 16-square-mile city, and it has a density of 5,000 people per square mile.

Upland is located in the 27th congressional district of California, and it is represented by Judy Chu. The 31st congressional district is located just north of Upland, and the dividing line runs along 14th Street. Upland has the world's largest family-owned general aviation airport, Cable Airport. Other nearby airports include Ontario International Airport, and Los Angeles International Airport is located farther away.

As the homeless population continues to decrease, upland city leaders are analyzing how successful their approach is. Upland's approach to addressing the homeless population is working. Gavin works for the city of Fontana, and he believes Upland is doing it right. It's a good start, but it's not over. There's a long way to go before homelessness disappears.