Swayzee, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering moving to Swayzee City, you'll be glad to know that the average cost of living is lower than the national average and is much lower than that of many other cities in the state. While some areas are more expensive than others at the federal and state level, the overall cost of housing, utilities, and miscellaneous goods is lower in Swayzee City than it is in most cities across the United States.

According to the 2010 Census, Swayzee is home to 946 people of various races. While two percent of the population identifies as Black, one percent identifies as Asian, and one percent identifies as American Indian or Alaska Native. The remainder of the population is white, and 92.3% is considered racial or ethnically diverse. Interestingly, only a small portion of Swayzee's residents identify as non-white, whereas many of those in other cities are multi-racial.

The demographics of Swayzee, Indiana are fairly diverse. One in four residents are Hispanic. Hispanics, despite being a minority group, are considered to be a subset of Americans. While a significant portion of the population is American, some people in Swayzee are not. Approximately 1.4% of the population is non-US. For more detailed information, contact the city's Department of Public Safety at (307) 782-3844.

The median age of Swayzee, Indiana was 38.3 in 2019. This figure includes native-born citizens, while foreign-born residents were 38.7% older. The average age for a family in Swayzee, Indiana was 44. The median age was also higher than the national average. A typical family consists of 2.7 members. In terms of diversity, Swayzee ranks 53rd in the state and 2415 nationally.