Stinesville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is a quick overview of the Population & Steets in Stineville City, Indiana. For a more complete overview, see the Stinesville city profile. This includes details such as the percentage of single people in the city and other important statistics. Also, see the poverty rate for Stinesville. You can also compare the income level of residents in Stinesville to that of other nearby cities.

The Town of Stinesville is located in southern Indiana, 45 miles south of Indianapolis. The city is most pleasant in the months of June, May, and September. The coldest months are January and December, respectively. The most popular times to visit Stinesville are weekends and holidays. Those who like to stay indoors can find a variety of lodging options and restaurants. The average household size in Stinesville is 3.3, while that of Gosport is 3.4.

The population of Stinesville is diverse. Native Americans, Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders make up 1.88% of the city's residents. The majority of people in Stinesville identify as white. However, Stinesville has one of the highest percentages of Hispanic people in the city. With a low poverty rate, Stinesville is an affordable place to live. This city is a great place to raise a family!

The limestone industry in Stinesville is a major part of the town's history. The town used to be a thriving quarry town, and there are still a few remaining buildings standing. In fact, one historic block of four buildings is available for just a dollar! It's an opportunity to help the community revitalize its downtown. Indiana Landmarks has partnered with the community and is offering the block to the party that restores the buildings.