Spencerville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing more about the population and steets of Spencerville City, Ohio? Read on for some helpful statistics. To begin, see the table below. You'll find important information about the city and its surrounding area. Also, be sure to look up Spencerville's demographics on the census.gov website. You can find detailed information about the city's race, gender, and ethnicity.

A map of the area will allow you to see what's nearby. You can find information on nearby towns, cities, and businesses. The map will also tell you where to find lodging, activities, and jobs. If you are looking for employment in Spencerville, the table will give you some ideas. The following table contains contact information for local businesses. You can also view the city's economic profile, including the median household income.

Besides the population map, you can also see the percentage of crimes committed per 1,000 residents in Spencerville. Property crimes, also known as non-violent crimes, are more common in this area. By comparing the percent of crimes per 1,000 people, you'll find that Spencerville has a higher rate of property crime than the national average. In fact, Spencerville ranks in the 23rd percentile in safety compared to other cities.