Roann, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering: How do I find out the Population & Steets in Roanna City? If so, read on. Here is some information that will help you get started. Population & Steets in Roann City includes the median household income. As of April 2018, there were nearly 92,600 residents living in Roann. This is a very low number compared to the national average, but it still represents a significant share of the city's population.

The population of Roann, Indiana was 352 in 2019. This is a decrease of nearly one-half since 2000. The median household income went from $37,045 to $39,375 in 2019. The change in population and the rise in median household income is pretty impressive, especially considering the size of the city. The city is composed of approximately one-fifth White residents, and four percent Hispanic citizens. Only 1.7% of the population is foreign-born, but this number is still very large compared to other cities in the Midwest.

Roann is home to several Vietnam veterans. In terms of income, males in Roann earn $53,355 compared to $32,249 for women. The income disparity in Roann, IN is 0.455, making it a relatively equitable city. The population of Roann is comprised of 164 people who are employed in various industries. The most common occupations are Manufacturing, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Accommodation & Food Services.