Putnamville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Input the numbers you want to know, and get an overview of Putnamville City's population. This information can help you make a more informed decision when planning your move. Listed below are the population and steets of Putnamville City. Listed below is a breakdown of the area's race composition, by both population and race. This data may help you compare Putnamville to other nearby cities.

The ZIP Code for Putnamville City is 46170. This number is also used to identify its city. The first digit denotes the national area, which ranges from zero for the northeast to nine for the far West. The next three or four digits designate a sectional center facility, and the last two digits are used to identify small post offices. Despite the ZIP Code being so large, Putnamville has a relatively small population, so residents can expect to experience fewer traffic jams.

This historic area is known for its four historical districts. One of these districts is Old Put, which was born shortly after the Salem Witch Trials. Old Put lived in Salem Village, which was called Salem Village in 1718. Israel Putnam, a member of the American Revolutionary War and the French and Indian War, is said to have been the inspiration for the name of Putnam County.

QuickFacts' population data are derived from the American Community Survey and the Census of Population and Housing. Canadian Postal Codes are also included. The 2010 Census data are easy to use and are available at national, state, county, and city levels. You can view summary levels or area codes, and compare them with other data. This information is useful to help you make an informed decision about moving to Putnamville City.