Pittsboro, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets in Pittsboro City, North Carolina, are listed below. It is located in Chatham County, North Carolina. Its population is over 1300. Pittsboro has small town values and embraces the arts and culture. The city is home to the North Carolina Zen Center and adjoins 960 acres of the Haw River. The climate in Pittsboro is classified as continental, with an average annual rainfall of 46 inches and about 200 days of freeze-free weather. The city is featured in the April 2004 issue of Southern Living.

The town was settled in the 1830s by free blacks. This population grew steadily throughout the antebellum period. The county seat, Pittsboro, experienced a period of prosperity between the mid-1830s and the 1850s. The agrarian economy was brought to an end in the 1820 Panic, when North Carolina ranked last in per capita wealth. The city lost its population and a large portion of its free black population.

The county seat, Pittsboro, was established in 1787. The town followed the Lancaster central-square plan. It was to include a public academy in the center of a central square, with numbered lots surrounding it. The early hopes of the community were dashed when the city was not incorporated until 1870. The town survived as a commercial center until the 1960s. After the founding of Pittsboro, the county grew to twenty-two post offices, each with their own governing board and city hall.