Oaktown, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering how many people live in the city of Oaktown, IN, you have come to the right place. This article contains important facts about the city, including its population and satets. The following is a brief description of these facts. The population of Oaktown, IN, is 593 people, and it has experienced a decline of 4.3% since the year 2000. The median home value is $84,800, and the median home appreciation has been 13.3% over the last 10 years.

In the 2010 census, there were 581 people living in Oaktown. The population was spread out. Twenty-one percent of the residents were under the age of eighteen years. Another eleven percent of residents were female householders, without their husbands. Thirty-one percent of households were non-families, and 32.9% were single. Senior citizens were found in 15.5% of all households. The average household size was 2.35 people.

The population of Oaktown City, IN is composed of 587 white people. The majority of these residents are White. Of the non-Hispanic group, 11 are Hispanic. That makes up 1.95% of the city's residents. Eighty-nine percent of the non-military residents of the city are employed. The median household income is $44,327. This city has a high number of US citizens, with 100% being citizens.

The percentage of Hispanic residents is significantly lower than the state average, as is the percentage of foreign-born people. The percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree or higher is also lower than the state average. These statistics are useful for comparing neighborhoods, but do not necessarily indicate an area's quality of life. You can find out how many people live in Oaktown City by checking out its poverty statistics.