Heltonville, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can look up the population and steets in Heltonville City, Indiana, to see how many people live in the city. There are two ways to find this information. First, you can look up the nearest big city to Heltonville. This is useful if you're going to book flights to get to Heltonville, IN. Alternatively, you can look up cities that are 100 miles away from Heltonville, IN.

If you're wondering whether Heltonville is safe or not, look at the crime map. This will tell you where the city has the lowest crime rate. The most crime-prone areas are red while moderately-safe areas are yellow. Crime rates by type are also included. If you're looking for information on the crime rate in Heltonville, you should know that it is slightly lower than the state and national average.

You can view the statistics by state, region, county, and zip code. The drop-down tab allows you to choose any of these locations. To view the data for Heltonville, Indiana, you can visit the US Census website. Once there, you'll find the population and steets for this city. There are also some other useful statistics, including the number of homes sold in Heltonville each year.