East Chicago, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a visit to East Chicago City, you should consider knowing more about the city's population and steets. This will give you a general idea about the area. For example, you can find out how many people live in the city and where they live. For the population, you can also find out the percentage of people who own their home. The number of people who rent their home also depends on the rate of unemployment in the city.

East Chicago City is a medium-sized city in Indiana. It is home to a population of 28,961 people. Over a quarter of its population is Hispanic and 42% of its population speaks Spanish as their primary language. Despite the large population of residents, only 45% of the people living in East Chicago are married. This is great news for singles in the city, since the median age of residents is only 31 years old.

During the early 1900s, several thousand Mexican immigrants moved to East Chicago. Many of them worked at mills during a labor shortage, and some even acted as strike breakers. These immigrants were mostly hoping to return to their native countries one day. Unfortunately, the economic hardships of the region did not prevent them from settling in East Chicago. In fact, the city's small Mexican population was targeted for voluntary and forced repatriation throughout the 1930s and 1950s. However, their presence has helped pave the way for later Latino immigration.