Dunreith, Indiana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Dunreith, Indiana is made up of White, Black and Native American citizens. Its percentage of homeowners is higher than the national average of 64.1% and is higher than its neighboring geographies. Most people in Dunreith, IN drive their own car to work, while about 6.25 percent of households carpool or do homework to get to work. The chart below shows the number of households using each mode of transportation over time. The data was tagged with the address of each individual citizen.

The total number of people residing in Dunreith, IN is 138, a decrease of three percent from the previous year. Its median household income is $48,250, and the city's foreign-born population is 3.62% higher than its parent or neighboring states. In 2019, the five largest ethnic groups in Dunreith are White (Non-Hispanic) (72.89%), Hispanic (13.1%), Other (Hispanic) (4%) and other (0%). This is a decreasing trend, with the number of foreign-born citizens living in Dunreith, IN growing at a very fast pace.

The median property value in Dunreith, IN was $66,700 in 2019, making it 0.277 times smaller than the national average. Dunreith has a higher homeownership rate than the national average, at 73.7%. The median car ownership rate in Dunreith, Indiana is two per household. The city has a low crime rate, and many residents enjoy an active social life.