Woosung, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the population of Woosung City, you've come to the right place. The following map shows the population and steets of the city, as well as the crime rate. The color-coded map shows the highest and lowest crime rates, along with their severity. The crime rate for Woosung is considered to be low, resulting in an A grade. This city is in the 88th percentile for safety, compared to a city that is 12% safer and 88% more dangerous.

This map shows crime rates for different parts of the city. It shows more crimes per year in southwest Woosung than in north Woosung. However, this crime map may be misleading, since most crimes happen in commercial areas. In other words, the red areas on the map don't necessarily mean that a neighborhood is safe. However, if you're interested in learning about the crime rate in Woosung City, you can also look at the data for nearby cities.