Wood River, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Wood River City, Illinois is diverse. The population of the city is composed of both whites and blacks. The city has a relatively high percentage of households with two or more adults. However, if you're looking for information on Wood River's residents, you might be surprised by what you'll find. If you live in the city, you may want to look up the current demographic data.

The median age for residents of Wood River, IL is 35. While there are many foreign-born residents, the majority of them are US citizens. The average age for foreign-born residents of Wood River, IL is 36. In addition, the city has a large proportion of Vietnam veterans. If you're curious about Wood River's ethnic makeup, consider this brief overview of the city's demographics.

The median property value in Wood River, IL is $81,600. This is slightly below the national average, but the GINI (gross income inequality index) in Illinois is higher than the national average. Wood River's homeownership rate is 64.6%, and the median household income is $41,349. There are also two cars per household, which is higher than the national average. If you're wondering if Wood River is a great place to raise a family, you might want to check out the local poverty rates.