Wheeler, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Wheelers City, Kansas, you have come to the right place. Wheeler City, Kansas, has slightly better living standards than the average state. Read on to discover more information about the city. In addition to demographics, you can learn about the city's history, local economy, and other important information. Listed below are some of the most interesting facts about Wheeler City.

The city is home to about 853 residents of voting age, with 46.7% being male and 53.3% being female. Twenty percent of residents are 65 or older. According to the United States Census, 87.4% of Wheeler residents identify as White, whereas 10.3% identify as Hispanic or Asian. Twenty-one percent of Wheeler residents earn a bachelor's degree or higher, while 6.6% hold a graduate or professional degree.