West York, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for population and steets information in West York City? Here's the latest information. Based on the U.S. Census Bureau's latest American Community Survey, West York ranks in the 75th percentile of similar sized towns and cities. While these statistics can be a good indicator of the quality of the city's public services, they do not necessarily reflect the community's overall health or well-being.

The Borough of West York was incorporated in 1904 and covers a total area of 0.6 square miles (1.6 square kilometers). Its municipal government is made up of seven council members and a Chief Administrator, Shawn Mauck. Mauck succeeded former mayor Charles Wasco, who gained national notoriety for making racist Facebook posts and insulting African Americans and Muslims. The new council aims to improve public service in the Borough and make it a better place to live.

The population of West York is comprised primarily of natives of Pennsylvania. A small proportion of its population are foreign-born. This is primarily due to the city's low population of natives. The population of the West York CDP is only a little more than ten times larger than the average of Pennsylvania. However, it is home to a diverse population of ethnic groups, from Chinese and Japanese to African-Americans and Native Americans.

The median age of West York City is thirty-seven years old. A small number of households have children under the age of eighteen years old. Forty-seven percent of households have a married couple and another 13.8% have a female householder who is not married. The average household size is 2.28 and a family of four is nearly three hundred. A few areas are overwhelmingly white, but a larger proportion of white residents resides in West York.