West Frankfort, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to the West Frankfort City area, you may be wondering how many people live there. West Frankfort is home to 7.39k people, and there are roughly 126 Two+ (non-Hispanic) households and 83 Black or African American households. It is important to note that approximately 0.687% of the population is Hispanic.

In 2019, the median age of people in West Frankfort, Illinois was 43.4. This is higher than the overall median age for the greater West Frankfort area of 42. However, the median age of non-citizens is higher than the median age for native-born residents, who were primarily 43. Among foreign-born residents, the most common birthplaces of people living in West Frankfort, Illinois were Mexico, India, and Poland, with over one third coming from other countries.

The Census Bureau estimates that West Frankfort is home to a large percentage of single women. While the city has a relatively high rate of married couples, the city has a higher percentage of single women, with just 51 percent of married women living alone. This means that the single women in West Frankfort are more likely to have children. The city has a higher percentage of single women than the state's average.

Several indicators of affluence are included in the Wealth Index. These include average household income, net worth, and the value of material possessions. These measures help determine how wealthy people in the West Frankfort area are compared to other incorporated cities in Illinois. A location ranked #1 is the most prosperous, and a location in the 75th percentile is in the 75th percentile.