Waynesville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've been wondering how much the population of Waynesville, NC has grown, it's time to check out the city's statistics. In fact, you can check out the Waynesville, NC crime statistics on Movoto. This is a great way to get a clearer picture of how this city has fared in comparison to others. You can also view the population and steets by neighborhood to see if your home is one of those that is a good match for your family.

According to the 2010 census, there were 10,140 residents in Waynesville. Of this number, 4,680 households and 2,724 families lived there. This makes Waynesville the ninth safest city in the US. The population of Waynesville is also one of the youngest in the state, with only 1.7% of residents under the age of 18.

The city's population is composed largely of whites, with only 0.0% of residents being Asian. The city has a 12.6% Native population, and a population of 9.6% Hispanic. The majority of Waynesville's population is White, with 8.9k residents belonging to this race. Waynesville's cost of living and real estate prices are 2% higher than the state average.

The city of Waynesville is located in Haywood County, North Carolina. Its population is 9,748. It's part of the Asheville Metropolitan Statistical Area, which includes four counties and is the fifth largest in the state. The population density of the city is 204.5 people per square mile, which ranks it 21st out of 56 states. The population density is calculated by dividing the total population by the total land area.