Virgil, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Virgil City, Illinois is a town in northeastern Illinois. It was incorporated from the town of Homer in 1804. By 1845, Virgil had reduced its territory when Harford and Lapeer merged, taking Virgil's place. As a result, Virgil lost territory to Freetown and Cortlandville. In 1865, Virgil had a population of 2,009 residents.

Virgil City is located in Cortland County, Illinois. According to the 2010 census, the population of Virgil was 2,401. It has a total area of 122.7 square kilometers (47.3 square miles), with 0.1 km2 (0.04 sq mi) of water. This area has a low rate of poverty, with an overall rate of 4.04%. Virgil's median house value is $239,800. The median age in Virgil is 40.6 years old, with males 32.3 and females 43.7.

If you are looking for an airport near Virgil City, you can search for flights to nearby cities. Big cities usually have a lot of airports. If you want to fly to a big city, you can choose a flight from there. Smaller towns, however, may not have many flights. In this case, you may want to try searching for flights to a city close to Virgil City, MO.