Vermilion, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Vermilion City is about 2,000 people? If so, you should read this article. This is part one of a series. In Part Two, you'll learn more about Vermilion's history and find out what makes it unique from other communities in the area. Then, you can use the information to help you plan your visit. If you're thinking of visiting Vermilion, you can use this article as your guide.

The median property value in Vermilion City is $140,800, which is 0.585 times smaller than the national average. The median household income is $49,870, a few hundred dollars lower than the national average. 78.9% of the population lives in households where they own their own home. A higher than average rate of homeownership is found in Vermilion. Most Vermilion residents drive alone to work. Another 17.1% carpool. Only 4.11 percent work from home.

The city was home to an octagonal red and white pierhead beacon. However, that tower was removed from the city in the 1950s. Two boys noticed that the tower was leaning. They organized a fundraising effort to build a replica of the tower, which was built in 1877. The dream was fulfilled in summer 1991, when a crane lifted the newly cast tower onto its foundation.

The Lagoons were only mostly permanent until the 1950s. During this time, another "building boom" started. The last road built was Park Drive. People lived in the Lagoons as swamp rats or swamp dwellers, and were considered slightly crazy for living so close to water. However, they were able to live near the water, and now they are happy to call Vermilion their home.