Valmeyer, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before moving to another city, you should know what the population and steets are like. The following table will show you the population and steets of Valmeyer City, Iowa. The livability score is a composite of several factors that are important to residents. These factors include crime rates, cost of living, and the overall happiness of residents. Based on the data collected, Valmeyer scores well in all of these categories.

The average income in Valmeyer is $66,679. It is estimated that 75.4% of the population is white. Despite this, there are 0.4% people of other races and ethnicities. The city has a diversity of 0.8%, which may be a factor in local advertising. Valmeyer also ranks well in terms of home ownership and median household income. The population density per square mile is 703.

After the flood of 1993, Valmeyer's population decreased to about 500 residents. Then, residents raised $500,000 and bought plots of land. In just four months, a groundbreaking ceremony was held. The population of Valmeyer City had dropped to between 500 and 600. Today, there are 1,200 residents in the city. The town's economic situation has also improved. Several industries have popped up and dozens of new residents have moved in.

The city of Valmeyer has a population of about 1,221 residents. Its population peaked in 2010 at 1,221 people. Its median home value is $172,188. The median household size is 2.79. The median income in Valmeyer is $91,789. It has a 1.49% poverty rate. The median rent in Valmeyer is $997. The median home value is $161,900.