Tremont, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and steets of Tremont City, Ohio, you've come to the right place. The following article will provide you with vital statistics about this city. For more information about Tremont, Ohio, click on the button below. Once you've entered the information, you'll be given a list of nearby attractions. You can even see maps of the area!

The population of Tremont is largely older than the surrounding area, with most homes constructed before the turn of the 20th century. This period saw a growth in housing opportunities in the area. However, only about 5% of Tremont's residences were built after the turn of the twenty-first century. Currently, about 5% of the homes in the area were built in the last decade.

The population of Tremont City is incredibly diverse. In fact, nearly half are White, while another one-fifth are African-American. One percent of the city is multiracial, and 2% are of Asian descent. While 20% of the population is under the age of 18, a third of the city's residents are 45 years and older. Currently, the city is served by the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, and its citizens are elected to represent their interests in this school district.

Crime rates in Tremont City are considerably lower than the surrounding area. The crime rate per capita is below the national average, and crime rates in residential areas are lower. There are few retail establishments in Tremont City, so there aren't high crime rates. However, there are some neighborhoods that are higher than the national average. A good neighborhood is one that doesn't have crime at all. The crime rate in Tremont City is lower than the city's average, so there's nothing to worry about.