Tower Lakes, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out the Population & Steets of Tower Lakes City, you've come to the right place. We have collected data to help you decide if this city is the right place for you. Here are some facts about Tower Lakes:

Tower Lakes has a population of 5,388 people, making it one of the smaller cities in Mettawa. The city is home to many renter occupied housing units. Compared to Indian Creek and Mettawa, there are 0.13 eviction cases per year in Tower Lakes. Whether you're considering living in Tower Lakes or want to know how much your neighbors make, here are some statistics about the residents of the city.

The Population of Tower Lakes is made up of 2,088 people of all races. The gender ratio in the city is 44.2% male to 55.8% female. This is lower than the U.S. average of 50.7% to 50.8%. The average age in the city is 40. The full breakdown of the population by gender is available in Radaris. Check out the Population & Steets in Tower Lakes City to see where you fit in!