Taylor Springs, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Taylor Springs, Illinois is home to approximately 3300 people, making it the eighth-most populous city in the state of Illinois. Nearby cities include Bonfield, Clayton, and Patoka. The majority of residents are white, with 0.7% of residents belonging to a minority race. The average household income is $37,981, and 19.5% of residents live below the federal poverty level. The median age is 59 years.

Taylor Springs is located in Montgomery County, Illinois. As of 2010, the city had a population of 690. Taylor Springs has a village hall located at the address listed below. Contact the village hall for more information, including meeting schedules and Customer Service. The Taylor Springs Village Hall also offers free internet access to the community.

Taylor Springs crime rates are low, and are comparable to other cities of the same size. However, there are several areas in Taylor Springs where crime rates appear to be high. For example, crime rates may be higher near parks and major airports, even though they are relatively safe. However, crime will happen where people are.