Taylor Ridge, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for a map of Taylor Ridge City? Use the links below to find the population and steets in this city. The Taylor Ridge City area has two zip codes, 61284 and 61285. Both are in Rock Island County and the USPS calls them Taylor Ridge, Illinois. Taylor Ridge is in Rock Island County, Illinois, and some portions of the city border Andalusia, IL, and Davenport, IA.

The population of Taylor Ridge City is primarily white. However, the number of Hispanic residents is large, as well as the number of Asian residents. The percentage of Native Americans and people of other races is smaller. While there are a few vacancies in the city, this area is fairly stable. The median age for residents of this ZIP code is 46.9 years old, and both men and women are slightly older. Households in Taylor Ridge City are typically two to three members deep, with an average of 2.49 people. The median household income is $83,125 USD, which is higher than the national average. There is a small percentage of vacant houses in Taylor Ridge City, too.