Stronghurst, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a visit to Stronghurst, Illinois, you'll want to know the Population & Steets in the area. The population of Stronghurst is 811 people, with a median household income of $44,583. Its low poverty rate makes it an affordable choice for families and new residents. You'll also find out how much it costs to live in Stronghurst, and what you can expect when you move here.

The population of Stronghurst - Lomax is 2,687, and there are only a few neighborhoods in town. Its population is 510th largest in Illinois. It is a historic town with many older homes built before World War II. It is also home to several colleges, including a Catholic school and a community college. However, the town is home to some very rich residents. The majority of the population reports themselves as White, but there are residents who are Black or African-American.

The racial makeup of Stronghurst City is based on self-identification. The darker the color, the larger the racial majority. The diversity map in Stronghurst City features a color coded map of the city's ethnic composition. Each color represents the diversity index. Green areas represent more diversity, and red areas are less diverse. Diversity is defined as a mix of races. A city with no diversity would be a city of all white residents.