Stonefort, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When analyzing population and steets in Stonefort City, you must first understand the makeup of the area. The town is almost entirely white, with only 7% of residents being black or American Indian. Approximately 17.8% of the residents are Hispanic, while 2.6% identify as a non-citizen. In addition, Stonefort has a high share of people of Irish, English, German, and American ancestry.

The following table shows the population and steets of Stonefort City, Illinois. The demographics show that the average age is 40.9 years old. This makes Stonefort the third oldest city in the area, behind only New Burnside with an overall median age of 60.5. The table also shows the gender breakdown of Stonefort, with the most people being between 40 and 49 years old.

Compared to other towns, Stonefort has a lower percentage of single people than other places. This percentage means that there are fewer families than in other communities. This is particularly important for families, as Stonefort has many older residents. However, young people are often underrepresented in households, so it is imperative to look into the demographic makeup of the area before making a decision on whether to move to Stonefort.

The Wealth Index measures the affluence of households in Stonefort. The data used to calculate Stonefort's wealth index uses many factors, including average household income, net worth, and the value of material possessions. The Wealth Index represents the wealth of Stonefort city as a whole, and values above 100 indicate greater affluence than those below. The wealth index is an indicator of affluence, and Stonefort, IL ranks in the 75th percentile of Illinois cities.