Steward, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article outlines the Population & Steets in the City of St. Joseph, IL. In addition, it details the employment statistics for the area. The most common industries in Steward are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. Nevertheless, a number of residents work outside the city and commute to and from work by other means. These statistics are based on information tagged to a residential address.

The population of Steward, IL is comprised of 307 residents. The median age is 45.3 and the median household income is $64,000. The majority of residents are White (non-Hispanic), but only 0.65% of the population is Hispanic. A total of 0.326% of the population of Steward is foreign-born. The sex-based income disparity is also notable.