Scottville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Scottville, Michigan is approximately 1,214, according to the 2010 census. The town was originally mapped as Mason Center and was later renamed Sweetland. In 1882, Hiram Scott platted the town, winning a coin toss to name it Scottville. The town was incorporated as a village in 1889, and then as a city in 1907.

Compared to the rest of the country, workers in Scottville, MI spend a slightly lower proportion of their income on rent than their counterparts in neighboring cities. In 2016, the Scottville rent burden was slightly higher than the state average of 31.7%, but it was lower than the 33.7% for neighboring cities, like Manton. In Scottville, 36.9% of households are renters, a significantly higher rate than the national average.

The median household income in Scottville, MI is $42,083. The population of Scottville is comprised of both White and non-Hispanic residents. The median home price was $126,600 in 2009. The median appreciation in home prices for the last decade was 9.5%. If you're planning to buy a home in Scottville, MI, make sure to check out the average price of homes in the city.

The median age in Scottville was 35 years, with a number of households under 18 years old. Twenty-four percent of households were made up of married couples. One percent of households consisted of single people. The remainder of households were non-families. Lastly, 11.1% of the households were made up of senior citizens, and the gender ratio was 47.9% male to 52.1% female.