Sauget, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to Sauget City, Illinois, there are a few things you need to know about the area. First, you should know that Sauget is a largely white community. While the city has some people of color, the majority are white.

There are approximately 72 people living in Sauget. The median annual income is $53,125. This is below the median income of $64,994 for the entire United States. The city is home to many people who are employed in a variety of fields. In terms of industries, Arts, Recreation, and Health Care & Social Assistance make up the largest number of jobs in Sauget. These three industries provide the greatest incomes in Sauget.

The median household income in Sauget City is $53,125. The median age is 55.4 years. About 0.429% of the residents of Sauget are foreign-born. In addition, there are several people who are US citizens. This means that you can be proud to live in this town. In addition to the fact that the majority of its residents are American citizens, Sauget is home to many military veterans.

For years, the community was plagued by corruption. Local politicians skimmed off money whenever they could. Gangsters and politicians were prominent, and the local political system was dominated by patronage and power.