Round Lake Beach, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing more about the Population & Steets of Round Lake Beach City? In this article you'll find out how Round Lake Beach compares to other cities in the state. This city has a family-friendly atmosphere, with 78% of residents being married and 43% having children under the age of 18.

There are fifteen thousand residents in Round Lake Beach, Illinois. Of these, 49.3% are native-born residents and 50.7% are foreign-born. The median age is 33. The median age is 45 for both foreign-born and native-born citizens. Residents of Round Lake Beach are getting older - a trend that is also apparent in the median age. Of the city's foreign-born residents, the majority is from Mexico, followed by India, Poland, and India. The remainder is Caucasian.

The population of Round Lake Beach is very diverse. There are Hispanic-owned businesses and a high percentage of African-American residents. This city has an above-average housing score. While it's difficult to find an affordable apartment or house, you can find one with the best of both worlds. Housing is affordable, and the area has a high diversity of income and race. For those looking for an affordable home, Round Lake Beach is a good choice.

The city's Indian Hill Subdivision was incorporated as a Village. In 2007, there were 379 residents in the village and an average home price of between $6,500 and $8,500. In the past, the Indian Hill Subdivision had its own population of about 900 people. Despite this, there was an overall low income rate of 10.8%. There were also just under one hundred families living below the poverty line.