Rockton, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you visit Rockton, Illinois, you will find that the local poverty rate is below the national average. However, you may be wondering how much poverty is prevalent in Rockton. The national poverty rate is 14.1%. In Illinois, the poverty rate is 13.1%. In Rockton, there are approximately 765 residents living below the federal poverty line. For more information, visit the U.S. Census Bureau.

The population of Rockton, Illinois, is approximately 8,000 people. This includes nearly 2,000 households and around 1,500 families. The population is overwhelmingly Caucasian, with approximately 92 percent of people being White. Only eight percent are non-White, and the median age is between 25 and 44. The median family income is over $57k. A high school degree is the highest obtainable in the area.

The median age of the population in Rockton, IL, was 35 years old. The number of single-parent households was 71.4%, while the percentage of households with two parents was 22.3%. In addition, the number of households with two adults was higher than the national average. One hundred and twenty-five percent of the village's residents are insured. Ninety-six percent of households are on a government plan, with sixty-one percent on an employer-provided plan. The rest are on non-group plans, and four percent are on military or VA plans.

The Rockton Police Department has 181 sworn members and 31 non-sworn employees. Officers are assigned to one of two-year terms. There are four police departments: patrol, operations, and intelligence. Among the former officers, the police department also has an early education center and nine elementary schools. A high school is located in the city. There are also several non-public schools in Rockton, including the B.B. Russell High School and the Fourth Middleborough Barracks.