Roanoke, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you move to Roanoke City, you'll probably want to know the Population & Steets in RoaNOke City. This will give you an idea of how many people live in the area. The population of Roanoke City is about 112,000 people. In the year 2000, the population of Roanoke City was 83,026 people. However, that number is growing every year.

The census' poverty level is different for every race and income level. For example, the poverty line in Roanoke City is different for Whites and Blacks, but the percentage of both groups falls below this threshold. The majority of those living below the poverty line are Blacks. The rest of the population is White and Two or More. The poverty level in Roanoke City is higher than the national average.

The Roanoke civic center was built in 1955, and Interstate 581 was built in 1964. The population grew rapidly after these projects, and the downtown area was shut down for First Fridays. In the late 1960s, construction was underway on 110 Campbell Avenue, a former Leggett Department Store. It will eventually house 28 apartments and 12 artist studios. There is also a growing Food & Beverage scene, with craft breweries and specialty food retailers in town.

Roanoke was first incorporated as a town in 1852. At that time, the town was called Big Lick due to the wildlife near the Roanoke River. It was renamed Roanoke in 1882 and incorporated into a city in 1884. During this time, Roanoke became the major center of activity for the surrounding area. Its emergence as a city signified a rapid growth and development.