Ridgway, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the population and steets of Ridgway City are? Here are some statistics to help you decide. Ridgway has a population of 2,038 people, which is higher than the average for the surrounding area. As of 2016, the city had a single eviction. In other words, Ridgway has one fewer eviction than Ouray, Antonito, or Grand Junction.

The historic district of Ridgway City is included in the city limits. This area recently underwent a revitalization project. Downtown Ridgway has become an active center of entertainment and commerce. Whether you are looking for a home or an apartment in Ridgway, there are lots of activities in the area. You can even ride your bike to work or play sports! Ridgway offers a unique opportunity to live in the middle of nature.

Ridgway's per capita income was $26,551 in 2018. This is a middle-income community, but not as high as neighboring cities in Pennsylvania and the United States. With a median income of $106,204, a family of four can live comfortably in Ridgway. Ridgway residents represent a variety of ethnic groups. Those residing in Ridgway, CO report being either White, Black or African-American.

The population of Ridgway, CO was 50.1 as of January 2019. This includes both native-born and foreign-born residents. The median age of all Ridgway residents was 44.4 in 2018. The most common foreign-born birthplace in the city was Mexico, while India and China ranked second and third, respectively. A higher walk score means higher noise levels. The population of Ridgway, CO is also higher than the average of the surrounding city.