Prairie City, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick glance at the population and steets of Prairie City will show that 74% of the homes are owner-occupied and that the average household size is 2.1 people. While quality of life can be subjective, there are many factors to consider, including a person's preference for nature and open spaces, or peace and quiet. If you're willing to make a short commute, a place like Prairie City could be the perfect fit for you.

The median age of the city's residents was 33.7 years old. There were 5.2% of people under the age of eighteen, 31.1% were aged 18-24, 29.6% were in the 25-44 age group, and 22.4% of the population were 65 and older. The median age of the population was 40 years old. The gender ratio was 47:52, with males outnumbering females by almost two-to-one.

Residents of Prairie City enjoy inexpensive living and small-town charm. Residents enjoy friendly neighbors, a small school district, and opportunities for involvement in local organizations. They also enjoy scenic prairie that is home to bison. The Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge Visitors Center draws thousands of tourists every year. And, of course, the town is also home to the city's Museum and Library. If you have any questions about living in this small city, you should check out the local website.

The population of Prairie City is approximately 1,680. Census Estimates do not include the date of the city's establishment, but the city is 166 years old. It is located twenty-two miles east of Des Moines. There are two postal time zones in this area, one in the North, and one in the South. The population of Prairie City has been increasing in recent years. Despite its small size, Prairie City is attracting a large number of young professionals because of its proximity to the metropolitan area.