Port Barrington, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the Population & Steets in Port-Barrington City are? If so, you are not alone. Most people who live in this Chicago suburb are curious about the population and the race of the residents. Fortunately, there are statistics that can help you understand these two very important aspects of this community. The following table shows the population and the corresponding steets in the city.

The population of Port-Barrington City is 10,334. It is located in Cook County and is about 25.5 miles from Naperville and Aurora. The average home price in Barrington, IL is $532,000, which is very high compared to neighboring ZIP codes and the rest of the country. The average rent in Barrington is $1,000 per month with utilities included. Most households in the city own their primary residences.

Port-Barrington's population breakdown reveals the most common race and ethnicity. White people are the most common racial and ethnic group to be living below the poverty line in the city. The racial makeup of this city varies by age, but most people are White or African American. Non-citizens make up the second largest racial or ethnic group. The largest percentages of non-citizens in Port-Barrington are from Latino, Asian, and African-American descent.

The median age of residents in Port-Barrington, IL is 38.8, which is lower than the national average. The average age of Port Barrington residents was 43 in 2018, but this number is growing. Among the foreign-born population, the most common place of birth was Mexico. Approximately 644,788 foreign-born residents of Illinois came from Mexico. Another large group of immigrants were from India.