Pierson Station, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for Population & Steets in Piersion Station City? If so, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find the most accurate information on Pierson. This unincorporated community is in Piatt Township, Illinois. See all the people living in Pierson below. If you're curious about the area's history, you can view a list of historical markers and learn more about its people.

If you're planning a vacation to the area, you can search for nearby towns. For example, you can use the list to search for other cities that are nearby to Pierson Station. This way, you can easily choose a destination within the vicinity of the city you're visiting. If you're traveling by car, you can get to Pierson Station from any of these cities within an hour or two.

The percentage of households living in Pierson, FL that have cars is higher than the national average, at 64.9%. However, this number is low compared to neighboring cities. Of those who commute by car to work, 79.1% drive alone, 18.4% carpool, and 12.2% use public transit. The chart below illustrates the percentage of households in Pierson, FL using various modes of transportation.

The population of Pierson, FL is 860 people. Its percentage of white residents is 40%, followed by four31 people who are American Indians. Then there are 188 people who are of some other race. This means that there are 437 people of two or more races in Pierson. You may also be surprised to know that Pierson is home to the only African American community in the United States.