Palos Heights, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This section provides information on the population and sates of Palos Heights, Illinois. You'll find out what racial and ethnic groups live in the city, including the highest percentage of white residents and the lowest percentage of Hispanic residents. The median age of Palos Heights residents is 52.1, and those who work full time are less likely to be poor than those who are unemployed. Most residents are 55-64 years old, and the highest percentage of females is between thirty-four and forty-four. Non-citizens include those who are not U.S. citizens, such as foreign students, international workers, and humanitarian migrants. They are also considered non-citizens.

While the median property value of Palos Heights, IL was $282,100 in 2019, it was still almost four times higher than the national average, with males earning an average of $61,786 and females earning $37,188. Palos Heights residents made more than double the average income compared to the neighboring and parent geographies. About 77% of Palos Heights residents drive alone to work. Public transportation is another option for getting to work.

Employment-related data for Palos Heights, IL, is also available. Most residents are employed in sales and management occupations, with only 3% employed in natural resources and production occupations. The percentage of workers in these fields has been steadily decreasing, but there is still a growing number of self-employed individuals in the city. For those seeking employment in the city, these figures may be helpful for you.