Minooka, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the population of a city, the answer depends on its location. The city of Minooka is located in Illinois. Located near the state's border with Wisconsin, it is one of the most densely populated areas in the Midwest. Residents of this small community live in the western part of the state, which makes it particularly attractive for people from neighboring states. Its residential area is dominated by a mix of black and white residents.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Minooka City, IL is 11,456. That's about a thousand people per square mile. The median age is 32.6, which is slightly below the median age in the United States of 37.4. Most households in Minooka are owner-occupied. Only 8.6% of residents live in rental units. However, this is not surprising given the town's low rents.

A grain elevator occupies three blocks on the south side of Mondamin Street. If there was no grain elevator in the city, this area would be completely different today. Although residents predict the city will soon hit 30,000 people, they know that it will have to deal with growing pains as it tries to meet the city's ambitious plans. Regardless of the challenges, residents are confident that the future is bright in Minooka.

The median property value in Minooka, IL is $212,500, which is 0.884 times smaller than the national average. This area is home to mostly white people with a 0.7% Hispanic population. The median income in the area is around $71,000. While that number is much higher than the national average, the median household income in Minooka, IL is around $79,000. The city has an 82% high school graduation rate.