Menard, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Menard City is approximately 1,397 people and is growing at a rate of 6.0% per year. The median home value in Menard is $211,400, and the last 10 years' growth has been 5.0%. The median household income is approximately $68,066. There are a total of three schools in Menard. The city has a low crime rate and is a safe place to raise a family.

In 2017, the median household income in Menard, TX was $33,542. This was below the state's median of $65,712 and the national average of $59,786. As of the 2010 census, only two schools in Menard were ranked below the state median. In Menard, TX, public education is provided by the Menard Independent School District. Yellow Jackets are the school's mascot.

The median household income in Menard is $32,438. The poverty rate is 12.4%. A high percentage of residents are homeowners. For the city to be considered safe to buy, residents must be a good neighbor. In addition, the median home price must be competitive. This can be a major factor in local advertising and marketing. And remember, you can't afford to spend too much money on local advertising if you don't own a home.

The population of Menard City was 1,962 at the 2010 census. Twenty-one percent of its residents were under the age of 18, while seven percent were between the ages of 18 and 24. Another twenty-three percent were aged 45-64, and 13.4% were 65-plus. Overall, males outnumbered females by ninety-seven to one for every 100 females. It was a surprisingly diverse city.