Medinah, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article describes the Population & Steets in Medina, Saudi Arabia. This city lies in the western region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It covers an area of 589 square kilometers, with 293 square kilometers of urban space. The Medina Province also contains the Hejaz Mountains, empty valleys, and older dormant volcanoes. However, its population is quite low, as only one in seven people live within the city limits.

In the early twentieth century, wealthy people from Seattle moved to Medina, where they were attracted by the lake and convenient ferry service. They built lavish mansions, including one owned by Seattle publisher Miller Freeman. Gates' home was large enough to be used as a film set, according to King County Assessor's Office. Some accounts claim that the Gates' home was larger than this, encompassing more than one acre.

The population of Medina is comprised mostly of Arabs, who belong to the Sunni branch of Islam. Pottery making and farming are the main occupations, and the city is known for date palms, which are processed in a 1953 factory. The city's climate also contributes to its high population of non-Muslims. In addition, Medina is surrounded by arid hills in the Hejaz mountain range.

The ancient mosque in Medina was destroyed in 1257 and rebuilt in the following two centuries. In 1487, Khaid Bey of Egypt restored the mosque. The first century of Medina saw the arrival of Muslim expatriates, mostly from the Gulf Cooperation Council and South Asia. The rebuilt city is centered on a vastly expanded al-Masjid an-Nabawi.