Mascoutah, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and Steets in Mascoutahe, Illinois are estimated to be 7,483 at the 2010 census. The city is located in the township of Mascoutah. It is named for the Mascoutens, a tribe of Michigan Indians. The town has been home to a US Navy tugboat since the 1960s. In 2010, the population of the town was 7,483 and continues to grow.

The population of Mascoutah, IL is 99% US citizens, with the remainder being foreign-born. The median age is 36.1, and the percentage of native-born residents is 4% lower than the population of neighboring and parent geographies. The city is also home to Scott AFB, one of the largest employers. Many of the area's residents attend school in the town. South County and West County St Louis are about 45 minutes away.

The median household income of Mascoutah City is $46,451. The median family income is $55,018. The median income for males is $37,182 while that for females is $23,156. A majority of the city's residents are covered by health insurance, with 37.1% of the population on employer-sponsored health insurance. The remainder of the population has Medicaid and Medicare, and 7.9% of Mascoutah residents have other health insurance.

QuickFacts also provides demographic data. The census provides data for the state, county, and city of 5,000 people or more. These estimates may not be comparable to those of other geographic levels due to sampling errors and methodology differences. The data in this database is updated on an annual basis, as new data becomes available. It is not, however, guaranteed to be accurate or complete. Therefore, it is important to check the demographics of Mascoutah City to determine whether they are accurate.