Manlius, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Manlius City is available in several ways. The population density is the number of people per square mile. You can also find out how many people live in poverty in Manlius. The median age is over forty-seven. Listed below are the demographics of the city. In addition, you'll find out how many people live in Manlius and where they live.

The population of Manlius is 4.49k. According to the 2010 Census, 98.5% of residents were U.S. citizens. The median property value was $203,900. The homeownership rate was 57.5%. The majority of residents commuted alone to work. It took an average of 21.8 minutes to get to work. Overall, the city has a population of about four thousand.

The city has a median income of $45,492 and a median family income of $65,082. The median personal income for males in Manlius was $45,600, while the per capita income was $26,344. There were 7.4% of people living below the poverty line, and 3.2% of households lived below it. The Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District provides public K-12 education. Manlius offers many parks and playgrounds for residents to enjoy. The largest park is Mill Run Park, while Swan Pond is near the local library.

Manlius is located on the eastern edge of the Genesee Valley. The city is served by Interstate 90 and is accessible by the New York State Thruway, which runs north-south through the city. Interstate 90 is also in the area, which is regularly patrolled by the New York State Police. If you're driving through Manlius, it is wise to watch your speed when you drive in these parts of the city.