Manito, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the statistics for Manito City, IL can tell you a lot about the community. In the 2010 census, Manito's population was 1,563 people, with a median age of 39.3 years. The median household income was $62,917, with a variation of -4.2% depending on the size of the household. The majority of residents are white, with Black and Hispanic people making up the remaining percentage.

The percentage of Manito residents who earned a four-year college degree is fairly high, with only 16% completing a doctorate degree. In terms of occupations, residents of Manito fall into one of three buckets: those in the service industry, those in the blue collar profession, and those in white-collar positions. In terms of employment, almost half of Manito residents are employed by a company.

The village of Manito was platted in 1858 by James K. Cox, Robert M. Cox, and William A. Langston. Upon approval of the plan, the city was laid out on 110 acres. Its population did not increase very much until the Civil War, when the population grew to more than a thousand. The city was home to a number of different businesses and the Illinois River Railroad Company, but it did not grow much until the 1950s.