Makanda, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Makonda City? Here are some statistics. The city is home to about 588 residents, and the median household income is $70833. The poverty rate is also a key indicator, as it is higher in Makanda than in nearby cities. However, the low crime rate does not necessarily mean that Makanda is a dangerous city.

The population of Makanda is about a third of the total Illinois population, making it one of the smallest cities in the state. The median property value in Makanda is $231,100, which is 0.961 times smaller than the national average. The city has a high homeownership rate at 69.5%, a slightly higher than the national average. Its median car ownership rate is also about the same as the national average, with two cars per household.

The economics of Makanda were closely tied to the railroad, making it a hub for Chicago's freight trains. The town also once boasted a bank, a barbershop, a dentist, three doctors, and a funeral home. Today, it is a small town that hosts the annual Vulture Fest, a festival that is popular among local residents. The festival includes live music, art, and food.

The Demographics of Makanda City, Illinois are available from the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. They indicate that the population will be around 541 in 2020. This is the lowest population density in the entire metro area, with Carbondale having the highest percentage of foreign born citizens. However, the area is not without its share of non-citizens - only 2% of the total population.